All Central Ministries/Departments, State/UT Governments, Districts, Local Bodies, Central & State Government Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), Academic/Research Institutions (Government and Non –Government) are eligible to apply for these awards.
This year, the categories under the Award Scheme of the National Awards for e-Governance 2022-23 have been revised. The 6 award categories are :
1. Government Process Re-engineering by use of technology for Digital Transformation
2. Innovation by Use of AI and other new age technologies for Citizen- Centric Services
3. Best e-Gov Practices/Innovation in Cyber Security
4. Grassroot Level Initiatives for Deepening / Widening of Service Delivery
5. Replication And Scaling Up of Successful National Awarded Projects like NAeG, Prime Minister Awards in Excellence, Awards conferred by other Central Ministries by State/UT/District
6. Digital transformation by use of data analytics in digital platforms by Central Ministries / States/UTs