
To recognize and promote excellence in implementation of e-Governance initiatives, DAR&PG presents National Awards every year. The Awards are presented generally during an event of two-days, viz. the National Conference on e-Governance. These Awards are being given since 2003.

All Central Ministries/Departments, State/UT Governments, Districts, Local Bodies, Central & State Government Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), Academic/Research Institutions (Government and Non –Government) are eligible to apply for these awards.


Award Category 2023-24

This year, the categories under the Award Scheme of the National Awards for e-Governance 2022-23 have been revised. The 5 award categories are :

1. Government Process Reengineering for Digital Transformation

  • Central level initiatives
  • State/UT level initiatives

2. Application of Emerging Technologies for providing Citizen Centric Services

  • Central level initiatives
  • State/UT level initiatives
  • Startups as defined by Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) Government of India via Gazette Notification dated 19.02.2019 PDF

3. District level initiative in eGovernance

  • Districts and Local Bodies

4. Research on Citizen Centric Services by Academic/Research Institutions

  • Academic/ Research Institutions (Government and Non-Government)

5. Replication of Top Technological Solutions / initiatives and Scaling up

  • State/UT Governments
  • District and Local Bodies