For any query related to NAeG, get in touch below

Puneet Yadav

Joint Secretary
  • Phone: (011) 23741004
  • Email: ypuneet[at]nic[dot]in

Sarita Taneja

Deputy Secretary (e-Gov)
  • Phone: (011) 23362325
  • Email: sarita.taneja[at]nic[dot]in

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For specific questions related to NCeG, get in touch below

Sarita Taneja

  • Phone: (011) 23362325
  • Email: sarita.taneja[at]nic[dot]in

Ankit Sehrawat

  • Phone: 9988546105
  • Email: ankit[dot]sehrawat[at]qcin[dot]org

Mr. Piyush Sharma

  • Phone: 9158791582

Mr. Dwarkesh Saraf

  • Phone: 9826426920

Mr. Ajay Malik

  • Phone: 9893173705