Application of Emerging Technologies for providing Citizen Centric Services

This award seeks to recognize the projects that have resulted in providing universalized access including e-Services to citizens, the unique digital instance for all Government entities. The project proposals should broadly cover areas of status of accessibility, content availability, ease of use, information security & privacy, end to end service delivery, integrated service delivery and tracking of requests made for Delivery of Public Services.

Scope of Awards

  • 1 Gold for Central level initiatives
  • 1 Gold and 1 Silver for State/UT level initiatives
  • 1 Gold for Startups

Who can apply/compete

  • Central Ministries/ Departments
  • State/UT Government
  • Startups as defined by Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) Government of India via Gazette Notification dated 19.02.2019 Read More

Period of consideration

The launch date of the project should be between 01.10.2021 – 30.09.2023. The project must be fully commissioned and operational as on 01.12.2023.

Gold Award: The Gold Awards shall consist of

  • A trophy
  • A certificate
  • Incentive of Rs.10.00 Lakh to be awarded to Department/Organization/ Institution to be utilized for implementation of project/programme or bridging gaps in any area of Public Welfare and a certificate for each team member not exceeding four in number (including Project Head).

Silver Award: The Silver Awards shall consist of

  • A trophy
  • A certificate
  • Incentive of Rs.5.00 Lakh to be awarded to Department/Organization/ Institution to be utilized for implementation of project/programme or bridging gaps in any area of Public Welfare and a certificate for each team member not exceeding four in number (including Project Head).